Saturday, March 17, 2007


Oprah opeans up another school in Africa. It is the Seven Fountains Primary school which will cater to 1,000 pupils. It will also be a community center. I don't care how much they try to talk against this woman she is doing more than many famous or non-famous people are!

Truly the BEST! Oprah getting her dance on. I love this woman!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terrence Howard in the Essence Mag.

This man oooooozes sexy and just class.
Mel-B celebrated her baby shower in style with a cheesey stripper. I hope that's not champagne she's drinking. Eddie get her!

Jennifer Lopez responds to Kim Porters ignorance in the Essence magazine.

Jennifer Lopez responded to the Kim Porters foolishness in the Essence magazine some time ago. She was quoted saying that Kim knew the deal and she wasn't going to give any of her energy over to such trash. The article was in New York Times and also can be viewed on I must say Jennifer is truly the class act to me and I respect her even more for basically brushing Kim off her shoulders. We all know J-Lo is a very smart business woman and is making her own moves. As for Kim Porter! Girl please sit it on down and pull your head out of our a**.... Focus on your own thing and talk about the other baby momma Sara.
Diddy and Jennifer smooching. When they were so in love. J.Lo on the front of Notorious which was a magazine Diddy use to have.

A recent picture of the fabulous Jennifer!

On and On and On!

Diddy and J.Lo at his July 4th bash when they were together. Jay-Z the late and beautiful Aliyah. Dame Dash and who knows.
A night on the town.

Now this is the greatest of all!

More of the hottest couple ever to hit the scene!!!!!!

Diddy, Kim and the twins. Kim is looking a little worn out here. Not enough sleep it seems.
My favorite flash backs of Diddy and Big!
The hottest couple in the world! Remembered always....
Hot to Death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
J.Lo getting ready to get into Diddy's Bentley