Saturday, March 17, 2007


Oprah opeans up another school in Africa. It is the Seven Fountains Primary school which will cater to 1,000 pupils. It will also be a community center. I don't care how much they try to talk against this woman she is doing more than many famous or non-famous people are!

Truly the BEST! Oprah getting her dance on. I love this woman!!!!!!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

She's overrated!

SET said...

I am glad you are back and posting, I was visiting your blog daily tho.

SET said...

Oprah is doing what all of us shud do in our own lil way she should be mroe overrated for works like this.

Stella Kodi said...

You know I don't care when people who know nothing about helping others, throw out their stupid opinions about how Oprah should spend her money. She's only one woman in a population of God knows how many millions and she's making an impact, DEAL With IT.